Thursday 1 December 2016

Changes in my career?

Hello everyone.
I have to say something, I have to write this blog for the English class in the University, and all the weeks we have to write about different topics, like dreams, art, music or something like that, and I really enjoy when I have to write about something like that, but the last weeks the topics are different, turn to the future, about things that I don't know and I don't usually think about. I had to write about future jobs and majors and things like that! I don't want to think a loooot about the future, that make me feel anxious... and I don't know, I try to enjoy the present but is so hard :( 

Sincerely ( and i am so sorry teacher but it is what I think ) the topic of today is tooooooo bored, we have to "write about some changes that could be made to your study programme (career) AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT I CAN SAY, because I want to study in University of Chile because I like the programme, maybe we have some bored subjects to me but THIS IS THE LIFE and i don't want to change nothing, maybe we could have a better timetable but if we have the same timetable the next year is OK we will not to die for that!

Everything is okay to my, I really really like my career and my subjects, I like the teachers and the works, maybe is difficult but this is the life and I just need to survive! jajajaja

Tell me what do you think about this topic.